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British Columbia Branch of 

The Canadian Association for Couple and Family Therapy

British of


Local representation at the provincial government table.

Conduit to resources specific to BC legislation and other provincial regulatory bodies 

Active participation in lobbying the provincial government in support of regulation. We have been at the table since the mid-90s and are highly respected contributors to this effort

Local Professional network opportunities – round tables, virtual cafes & newsletters 

Focus on being able to respond quickly to identified concerns that impact MFTs in the province and  nationally. 

Local professional development  

Local conferences – to address specific areas of interest, 

Virtual Groups – to support local therapists & supervisors

Spotlight - on regions, local facilities, and practitioners

Leadership development

Volunteer opportunities -special projects, working committees, Board of Directors, national committees.

Contact Information 


British Columbia Branch of CACFT

2505 32nd Avenue

Vernon, BC   V1T 2K8

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